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First impressions count

Actors, musicians, singers, dancers and models – let our experience portray the best possible image for you and your chosen career. Happy, sad, glamorous, scruffy, classic or funky – every picture tells a story. Our well equipped studio, complete with changing area, can provide you with the perfect environment to show yourself off to the best advantage. We also provide different lighting techniques and have a variety of backdrops to suit every scenario.

Keep ahead of the game with a professional portfolio.

We love to help children and adults realise their chosen profession. We are able to supply diverse, top quality images that present you in the professional manner, demanded by the top agencies. Be it full length, head & shoulders, various sized prints or digital images in the correct resolution required – we can help.

During our studio sessions, images are shot directly to a computer, so you that you can review and give immediate feedback on the shoot as we go along. Depending on your end requirements, we often suggest your bring several changes of clothes to demonstrate your versatility; for modelling – casual, office, glamorous, various colours etc; for dance, you may want to illustrate your different abilities such as ballroom, street, jazz and so on. We are more than happy for you to bring in props relevant to your talent.

We can of course also include outside shots where necessary. We are ideally located near to many picturesque country settings in addition to being near to gritty, urban areas.

First impressions count and for portfolios, it is definitely a case of quality rather than quantity. Our aim is to show your personality, your abilities and your diversity. Stay one step ahead of the competition by booking a professional photographer for your portfolio –it could make all the difference.

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